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MEET SCHEDULE: Meet program can be found HERE. 


MEET PROGRAM: CLICK HERE for the meet program. We will not provide teams with programs  at the meet, so please copy this off for you and your team. If there are more than one heat, the final heat is the Championship Heat (for varsity divisions) or the fastest heat (for F/S divisions).


Friday - the meet will start at 12:00 pm with the frosh/soph throws competition and at 2:30 pm with the distance carnival. The girls' frosh/soph pole vault will start at 3:00 pm and the boys' frosh/soph pole vault will start at 5:30 pm.

Saturday, the meet will start at 8:00 am at Redondo Union High School for the rest of the events and the girls varsity pole vault. The frosh/soph 1600's will start at 8:00 am at West Torrance High School. 

If you have scratches the day of the meet, please let the athlete check in CLERKS know ASAP so we can let alternates know they can make a heat. Switching athletes is not allowed.

Please make sure your athletes report on time. We are running a tight schedule AND WE WILL RUN AHEAD OF SCHEDULE WHEN WE CAN! Athletes need to check in to the clerk no later than 45 minutes before their scheduled start time. The clerk of the course will be on the infield on Friday night and on the warm up field located to the NORTH of the track on Saturday.

Failure to check in 15 minutes before race/event time will forfeit your spot and allow an alternate to take that place.  


ALTERNATES: Alternates should also check in at least 45 minutes before their event. If any athlete does not show up or scratches, alternates will be placed in their spots 15 minutes before the event starts, based on their position on the alternate list.


TIME SCHEDULE: The time schedule is approximate, but we do make every effort to stay on schedule, and we usually are right on schedule throughout the day. WE WILL RUN AHEAD OF THE POSTED TIMES WHENEVER WE CAN. Keep your eye on the races being run to tell your athletes whether or not we are ahead or behind of the posted time schedule. We will announce as often as possible where we are in the time schedule. 


LOCATION: Redondo Union High School is located at 1 Sea Hawk Way, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 between Prospect Avenue and Pacific Coast Highway. The track entrance for spectators is located on the Vincent Street side of the school. The entrance for teams and coaches is at the top of the ramp down from the east end of the north parking lot off of Diamond Street. Parking will be available in the north parking lot off Sea Hawk Way/Diamond Street. Team entrance will be in the same parking lot. All school buses will drop off in the Diamond Street parking lot and be given specific directions on where to park during the meet. 


West Torrance High School is hosting the Frosh/Soph 1600 portion on Saturday morning. The high school is approximately a half a mile from the track located at 2041 Victor St, Torrance, CA 90503. The F/S 1600 athletes will check in at West Torrance for that event at the tent on the infield. Awards will be given out immediately after each race at the awards table located on the infield. There will be no spectator fee at West Torrance for the event and there will also be no concessions there. 


FACILITY MAP: CLICK HERE for link to pdf of Redondo Union meet area. 




REGISTRATION: Registration is now closed. CLICK HERE for the CIF MEET CONTRACT.


TEAM/ATHLETE COST: $25 per event, $60 per relay, $325 per gender and $650 maximum combined boys and girls teams. Checks can be written out to RUHS Cross Country/Track Boosters and either brought to the meet on meet day or mailed to:

Leonard Pascua

1704-A Clark Lane

Redondo Beach, CA 90278


RESULTS: Complete & live results will be posted on Finished Results & on the Finished Results app. 


FACILITY: The nine lane synthetic track and field facility & the synthetic warm up field are state-of-the-art. NO FOOD OR DRINK WILL BE ALLOWED ON THE TRACK OR WARM UP FIELD AREAS.


SPIKES: Spikes must be 3/16” or less and pyramids. The spikes will be checked upon entry. 


AWARDS: Medals will be given directly to the athletes immediately following each race for all heats and flights. There will be special awards for the championship heat/flight winners. Championship event top three finishers will be presented to the South stands with a podium presentation. Winners of all varsity Championship races and flights will receive the Redondo Track Festival Champion Nike backpack. Field event athletes can come to the awards tent on the infield to claim their medals.


The number of medals given in each event will be as follows:
* Top five for individual distance events
* Top three for individual laned events
* Top three for relay teams

* Top three for all field event flights
Currently we will be presenting approximately 1600 medals.
All awards will be given out on the infield with special on-podium ceremonies for the top three individuals or relays from the Championship heats or flights.


TEAM CHECK IN: Head coaches will receive one full access field badge. In the event of a team with two head coaches, we will give out two full access field passes. On Friday night, all coaches will be allowed to go on the infield regardless of whether they have a pass or not. On Saturday at Redondo Union High School, this access will be limited to coaches with a field pass only. There will be no food or drink allowed on the infield or warm up field! 


PARKING: A parking lot is located on Sea Hawk Way/Diamond Street on the north side of the school but space is limited. Street parking is located on the north side of Vincent Street, Sea Hawk Way, Diamond Street and the adjacent streets to these. There is also a small parking lot off of Vincent Street just west of the softball field. There is parking at Parras  Middle School just a block from RUHS located at 200 North Lucia Ave. Two locations corner of Vincent and North Prospect Ave. and Vincent and N Lucia Ave. Pay attention to permit signs on many of the streets. 


BUS DROP OFF AND BUS PARKING: Bus drop off is located on Sea Hawk Way/Diamond Street parking lot on the north side of the school. There will be a blocked off bus only location to drop off the athletes. Bus drivers will be directed to park the bus at the nearby West Torrance High School, located less than a mile away. Directions will be given to the bus driver upon drop off. Bus drop off will not be allowed on Vincent Street (south side of stadium).



Friday night: Tents will be allowed anywhere on the north (Visitor) stands.  On the South stands (main stands) we ask that you do NOT set up tents. Even along the top it blocks the view of the handicap seating. Please be respectful of other teams and understand that there may not always be prefect track visibility from the athletes (North) stands. Athletes and coaches may sit on the homestretch (South) seating. No tent set up on the infield Friday night. NO TENT SET UP AT ALL ON THE PRACTICE FIELD ON FRIDAY NIGHT!
Saturday: Tents are to be set up in the North stands OR on the practice field along the perimeter. There will not be any tent set up in the South stands Friday or Saturday.


ORDER OF RUNNING EVENTS* (Exact time schedule click here)


Friday, March 7th – Distance & Throws Carnival & Frosh/Soph Pole Vault:
12:00 pm start time for the Girls F/S Shot Put and Boys F/S Discus, Varsity Shot and Discus to follow. 
2:30 pm start time for the running events

3:00 pm Girls' Frosh/Soph Pole Vault

5:30 pm Boys' Frosh/Soph Pole Vault

Girls 3200m Frosh/Soph 

Boys 3200m Frosh/Soph
Girls Frosh/Soph 4×800 meter Relay

Boys Frosh/Soph 4×800 meter Relay

Girls Varsity 4×800 meter Relay

Boys Varsity 4×800 meter Relay
Girls Varsity 3200m

Boys Varsity 3200m
Girls Frosh/Soph Distance Medley

Boys Frosh/Soph Distance Medley

Girls Varsity Distance Medley

Boys Varsity Distance Medley


Saturday, March 8th:
8:00am 1600m F/S Boys & Girls (held at West Torrance High School)


8:00am at Redondo Union HS


1600m BOYS VAR 




Sprint Medley 800m (100, 100, 200 & 400)
300M LH
Long Jump
Triple Jump
High Jump
Pole Vault VAR


ENTRY LIST AND HEATS: This will be posted the week of the meet.


FIELD EVENT PROTOCOLS: Can be found here. There will be a weigh-in for the shot put and discus events for Varsity throwing events ONLY.  Please allow enough time for this process before event begins. 


ADMISSION: General admission: $10 a day or $15 for two days. Students showing valid ID & Military: $5 per day. Seniors 65 and older: $5 per day. Children 12 and under: Free. Please note – there will be no outside food allowed to be brought into the stadium.


CONCESSIONS AND RETAIL: We’ll have a full concession stand serving cheeseburgers, hot dogs and pizza plus many more snacks and drinks. Bittie Bitez will be serving up mini donuts and shaved ice. VS Athletics will have a retail space and we will be offering  a great selection of Nike track spikes and track equipment. We will again offer a LIMITED EDITION Redondo Nike Track Festival souvenir Nike t-shirt at the Relay Apparel tent.  Please note – No food will be allowed to be brought into the stadium.


HD Runners LIVESTREAM VIDEO: All races at Redondo will be streamed live on the HD Runners. com throughout the entire meet. Friends and family will be able to watch all the races from their computers or phones. 


LIVE DJ: There will be a live DJ spinning tunes to pump you up before and after your race and more. Tweet your requests to RBTrackFestival.

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